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Welcome !

art by weatherera on twt


accs! (On twt) : funkycrimeboy , hrts4caimsey, hugs4musicduo, ctommydiscs_ , alestromeriaocroi (joint acc)
abt me : hey ! I'm tommy or blue and I'm a chronic twitter user (get me out/j) :3 here's my pronouns page!. I'm a minor (14/15) and from Ireland. Im neurdivergent (autistic + dyspraxic) !
This carrd probably isn't up to date :P

☆ likes/interests! ☆
CCs!: aimseytv, ranboolive, wilbur soot, guqqie, james marriott, philza minecraft, charlie slimecicle, technoblade, maxggs, Other!: Generation Loss, greek mythology, poetry, hatsune miku, ddlc, icarus, art, Lovejoy, c!dsmp characters (Not cc) , ausmp
☆ byf ☆
I post a lot, I'm usually very active. I will provide tws/cws where needed, I won't tag swearing/caps/animals, I do hold my ccs accountable.


You break boundaries of anyone, 18+ accs, Ableist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc. (Basic dni) Dream/Dteam fans, AyPierreMc fans/supporters, 💐twt, shtwt, edtwt, lktwt [go away!]. Don't support neoprns +/or xenogenders, mock people for their interests !


Please let me know if it's /pos or /neg if you pqrt , Do not to DM me if you are over 20, Tone tags are useful!, If I'm following someone bad etc, please DM me about it and I'll unf! Also don't overdo the 'child' bit, unless I've explicitly said its fine. If I do something wrong let me know.